TOOLS Easy 2xProbe qPCR Mix
TOOLS Easy 2×Probe qPCR Mix is suitable for real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. This ready-to-load mix contains dNTP/dUTP mix, Mg2+, DNA polymerase, dUTP/UDG anticontamination system, specific ROX Reference Dye, and all components necessary to perform qPCR, except templates, primers, and probes. The polymerase in this kit is a chemically modified hot-start DNA polymerase. The kit contains an optimized buffer that effectively inhibits nonspecific amplification and significantly improves the efficiency of qPCR reactions. The dUTP/UDG anticontamination system added to the mix eliminates the product contamination of qPCR reactions.
The 2× reaction mix can be directly used for a robust and low-template qPCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and reliability. TOOLS Easy 2×Probe qPCR Mix also contains ROX Reference Dye suitable for all qPCR instruments, and no adjustments are required for the dye concentration in different instruments.
- 簡單:可直接使用的master mix
- 高專一性:獨特dUTP/UDG配方,
有效去除非PCR反應所得的外源汙染核酸 - 效率好又穩定
- 預混內含ROX dye用以校正螢光背景訊號,市面上多種PCR機器皆通用
1. Blood extraction RNA
There are 3 samples from different source in qPCR efficiency testing.
2. Oligo-RNA (COVID-19 ORF1a RNA)
3. Plasmid DNA (COVID-19 ORF1a RNA)